Monday, January 19, 2015

Funny Miss-Communications

     Interesting and funny conversations may not be the most common but they certainly are the most interesting.

     We always enjoyed watching Wheel of Fortune.  It was on TV when our kids were young so they seen it as well but I'm not sure how much they paid attention to it.  Our son is Patrick but we rarely use his full name, we just call him Pat.

     So one evening we are watching Wheel of Fortune and Pat ask "Who is that guy?"  Mimi's response was "Pat Sajak", Pat says "Jack", then he says "Who's that?" Mimi again says "Pat Sajak",  Pat says "Jack" then he says "Who's that?".  What is this an Abbott and Costello routine?  Mimi laughs as she now understands Pat was just doing what she asked, Pat took it literally when he heard his mom tell him to say Jack so that's what he did.  She quickly cleared up the confusion when she said explained that the name of the guy on the show is Pat Sajak.

     While working in my business renting advertising balloons I had partnered up on occasion with other companies.  Some of these owners in addition to renting advertising balloons also were balloon pilots and would book passengers for flights.

     One of the guys I worked with was Floyd, we helped each other out on occasion and because of that we were lucky to get a few rides in his Hot Air balloon.  Floyd frequently called and to leave a message but on one occasion someone in our household took a message and misspelled his name. The message read "Call Fly od". It was funny because just flipping one letter with a space changed his name in a humorous way.

     When I arrived home and saw the note I said "Who's Fly Odd". My mind just added the other d to complete the word.  Since Floyd was a balloon pilot it seemed like an interestingly appropriate nickname.  So from then on Floyd was forever known as Fly Odd at least in our family.

     I worked for McDonnell Douglas/ Boeing for 33 years and throughout those years we had a number of gatherings or after work parties.  Sometimes there would be people attending that you did not know.  So here is a conversation someone had at one of these parties.

     At one of these parties two people were standing together watching others in the room when one of the guys noticed three guys conversing across the room and ask the other, "Who's that standing next to Joe Grygiel?" the other guy answered,  "That's Charlie Hall",  the first guy then responded, "No the other guy"  the second person quickly answered "Oh! that's Charlie Hall, and again person one said "No, no the other guy".  You've sunk the hook now reel him in.  Sounds like another "Who's on first routine".  As you might now suspect there were 2 Charlie Hall's and they were both talking to Joe Grygiel.  That's just too funny.

     I'm sure there are many mis-communications in life, which cause problems between people but I look for the humorous ones to brighten my day.

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