I was raised a Christian (Catholic) and as a young kid in grade
school we had religion classes. We were taught that the Catholic religion
was the one true religion. Other religions were substandard so to speak; at
least that's how I understood it. This was confusing to me because was I
just lucky to be born into the one true religion, how unfortunate for others
born into a different religion.
This statement left me with many questions. What about those
people who never had the opportunity to become Catholic or those that never
even heard of Christianity? Would they have a chance to enjoy eternal
happiness? What about the tribes that worshipped a pagan god or the sun?
When ask I was told the people from other religions could go to heaven
but it would be a different type (lower level) heaven than Catholics, really,
that doesn't sound fair.
So here's my take on the subject. Your religion is not any
better than mine and mine is not any better than yours. All religions are
supposed to promote kindness and understanding for all, generally speaking, do
good things and provide positive spiritual guidance. So if you belong to
another religious denomination, which teaches you to live a better life then
what's wrong with that; nothing as far as I can see. As long as you are
inspired by something or someone to live good life then isn't that what all
religions want. Why all the competition between religions?
Shouldn't all religions have the same goal, teach you to live a good life
so you can earn eternal happiness (whatever that means). I can't believe
that God as a particular religious affiliation, it just doesn't make any sense.
One more thing you should know, all through history there
have been religious wars which is troubling in itself but if you belong to
a religion or religious faction that's main purpose is to promote violence,
torture and hatred, it's not a religion; it's a terrorist group. That's pretty
basic, if your religion tells you to torture and kill others you are a member
of a terrorist organization.
I looked up the definition of religion on the Internet and was
surprised to find no clear unopposed definition. To simplify it says
religion is the service and worship of
God or the supernatural based on a set or system of religious attitudes,
beliefs, and ways of doing things. According to that definition a
terrorist group could be classified as a religion, that's just wrong.
Nothing is said about doing good things or helping others which is rather
disappointing because that is truly what I believe religion should be
doing. I like my definition better than what I read and I think that
is what God intended. "Just Saying...."
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