Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Intelligence of Youth or Wisdom of Age

     In many countries elders are revered for their wisdom but in the USA it seems youth is valued for their enthusiasm while the wisdom of age is ignored.  There is no denying that much can be accomplished by the enthusiasm of youth but without the guidance of wisdom, the enthusiasm could lead them down the wrong path. Not to say that everyone with age is wise but while the young can be intelligent they are not old enough to have the wisdom of life.  It would be prudent for the intelligent youth of today to seek out the wisdom of the elders when dealing with extreme situations.  Our enthusiast youth however must be wary of those elders that self promote their own agendas.

     I don't mean to sound preachy but right now there are many of our youth listening to the wrong advisors that are leading them down the wrong path toward violence. Things can be resolved in a positive way in our society but they don't happen with violence.   Actually, many things have already changed over the years for the betterment of humanity.  Recently, we all have stepped backward in time losing precious ground in positive race relationships and communication.

     You may have noticed a look of concern on elderly blacks, I have but I have not been bold enough to ask what they were thinking.  My guess is that they see the progress made in race relations over the past many years going down the drain in a matter of months due to the problems in Ferguson and other cities in the USA.  It is unlikely that anyone has ask the elderly for their advice which is truly a shame because their words of wisdom might help the young avoid disastrous pitfalls.  "Just Saying..."

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