Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Gluten Free ???

     Lately there's a lot of talk about Gluten Free food.  Gluten is a mixture of proteins such as wheat, rye and barley and causes illness in people with celiac disease.  I'm told from my friend Google that this problem has been around for a long time but if so why is it just now becoming an issue.  My guess is that it's getting more publicity and for that reason alone people assume they are gluten sensitive.

     I'm not denying that some people are sensitive to gluten but just like peanut butter, I think people are overreacting to the media blitz of the villainous gluten.  Over the past years we have been warned to put more fiber in your diet (bran & wheat) but now these food ingredients are bad for many, make up your mind.  It's happened before with eggs, they're good, they're bad, No…’s good, No…’s bad, now good again, what the hell, just leave me alone to decide for myself.

     Sometimes our sensitivity to things is because we are not exposed to them but once exposed to them on a regular basis you may become desensitized.  An example is germs; all germs are not bad in fact exposure to some germs helps you build up a resistance to illness from germs.  So all this hand spritzing with alcohol could end up being a negative because we will not have the immunity from germs when we need it.  

     Here's a fun idea, next time you go buy a sandwich, tell them you want it to be gluten enriched, or maybe just say put my gluten on the side as if it were a condiment.  See what their reaction is, it should be interesting.  I bet you will get a weird look, with a few "Huh!" comments.  Try asking for extra gluten please, just spread it on top and sprinkle some peanuts on there while you're at it, I'm feeling like a rebel.

     It could be that the only really safe food is BACON, "Just Saying...."

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