Monday, October 12, 2015

Hot Button, Hot Topics

     There are a lot of hot topics that push our hot buttons. Sometimes our passionate beliefs make us hostile toward others that have a different viewpoint.  Some post/comments I've seen say outright that if you believe differently, you are a jackass, not deserving to live in this country.  The opinions are so caustic that people with a different opinion might shy away from responding because of harassment.

     Now I understand being passionate about issues but sometimes these passions take over and drive people to the dark side.  It's like no ones opinion matters except mine or people aligned with my opinion.  Opposing opinions are not even worthy to be heard, it's a "My way or the highway" attitude.  The truth is we can all learn from one another especially those with different viewpoints.

     If you have a closed mind to others views, this only shows intolerance and fear of change.  Each and every one of us has thoughts and opinions that have value, which are important to share.  Listening with intent to understand is an important skill that is sometimes missing in people with passionate views.  I believe listening skills shows compassion and intelligence.

     Pick any hot topic, gun control, abortion, gay marriage or politics and take a stand that differs from others, then watch what happens. You will likely find some people will get louder stating their opposing views maybe even using intimidating words.  Loud and boisterous is not a positive way to validate your opinion.

     Politicians support positions that get them votes, gun manufacturers support open gun laws because they sell guns, religious leaders support laws based on their religious beliefs, we all support positions that benefit our self in some way.  Our opinions are tainted by our background, upbringing and economic influences, which is why it's important to listen to other opinions. There might be some new or important information in their thoughts.  "Just Saying...."

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