Sunday, February 21, 2016

Are you American?

     Recently I saw a news item referring to Marco Rubio as Cuban American standing next to an Indian American and African American supporters.  This description was from a news reporter. I see this often; people identify nationality first, Asian American, Hispanic American, Italian American, etc.  Do you see anything wrong with this?  I get it people are proud of their heritage but if you are born in America, aren't you an American first.  Aren't you proud to be an American?

     It seems that this is more prevalent in the U.S.  If you are a citizen of France, Italy or Spain but with a Cuban, Indian or African heritage would you call yourself Cuban French, Indian Italian or African Spaniard.  That doesn't seem to be the case.

     My roots that are connected to multiple countries, which I think is the case for many people.  My heritage is German, French and Irish, so based on the way some US citizens describe their selves I should call myself German French Irish American.  Pretty ridiculous, don't you agree?  I was born and raised an American but I happen to have a German, French and Irish heritage.

     If you are a citizen of a country you should be proud to take that country as your first designation instead of race or heritage.  If you are running for President of the United States it only makes sense that you would want to be recognized as an American versus a Cuban American or fill-in the blank American.

     Be proud of your heritage but be just as proud of your country.  Your heritage gave you your looks and characteristics but America gives you the freedom to express and practice your beliefs.  Of course there’s danger in referring to yourself as an American despite your heritage, we might end up uniting ourselves instead segregating ourselves.  “Just Saying….”

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