Thursday, February 11, 2016

Your "Back to the Future" Dream

     If you could travel back in time for just one hour where would you go and whom would you like to meet.  As I think about this I find it's not an easy question to answer for me.  Would you pick a historic moment or a historic figure?  Would you put yourself in danger or try to change history?

     An aviation buff might want to be on the plane with Amelia Earhart (let's say an hour and 15 minutes before the crash), Charles Lindbergh or some other famous aviator.  Someone fascinated by Hollywood may want to spend time with a renowned actor like Douglas Fairbanks or Greta Garbo. Your personal interest (profession) and beliefs would play a big part in your decision. Maybe you want to meet Frank Lloyd Wright or be in an episode with The Three Stooges, these are both interesting and ridiculously fun dreams. That’s all this is just a fun exercise to let your mind wonder.  Here are some ideas in case your stuck; racing fan, historian, humanitarian, comedy buff, UFO encounters, sports enthusiast or religious, well you can see how this could be a never ending list.

     There is no right or wrong answer but it makes me think more deeply about what makes me the way I am.  Whatever inspires or motivates you will likely influence your "Back to the Future" dream decision.  I have had many interests in life.  I laugh a lot which is why I love a good comedy, making wine is also hobby I've had for a while and I like to watch historical shows about ancient times in our world but my most recent interest is writing stories.  

     So after much thought I decided that if I could only choose one "Back to the Future" moment it would be meeting with Mark Twain at the time he was writing "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer".  Why Mark Twain you may ask when there's so many great writers to choose from, well he is down home type of person that had a good sense of humor and an interesting viewpoint on life.  I imagine he would be interesting and easy to talk to with his down to earth attitude.  I have no doubt I would learn something and I would hope to be inspired to a new level of writing.

     Now it’s your turn what where would you go and what would you do in your hour.  Seriously, I really want to know.  I would love to hear your “Back to the Future” dream.

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