Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Is Listening a Lost Art?

     It seems like no one listens to others anymore.  Sometimes it appears they are listening but all they are doing is formulating their rebuttal argument.  I know there are many people who are scared, anxious and upset about life in general and this makes many of us angry.  We want to see a change and we feel the answers are obvious.  It's important that we voice our opinion, which is our right but it is everyone's right.  Angry people seem to have zero tolerance to the opinions of others as if other opinions are not worth hearing. 

     There seems to no shortage of angry people, screaming and yelling their opinions, chastising and intimidating anyone that disagrees with them.  It's gotten to the point where people are wary of giving their opinion when they know they have an opposing viewpoint.   This is a sober thought because if you're not listening you're not learning.  If you've only heard one side of an argument you are brainwashed.  How can you form an intelligent opinion about something if don't open your mind to listening to both viewpoints?

     I believe listening is a sign of intelligence, not the only sign but as crucial as any.  There are many hot topics that drive passionate opinions but this is not about any one topic just how we approach others with our opinions.  Many opinions are self-serving and therefore tarnish our ability to listen to others.  Some of our world leaders, politicians and corporate executives are shining examples of people with poor listening skills and self-serving opinions.

     You will never find someone that will agree with you 100% of the time but you may learn something from someone with a different background and opinion but you will need to listen.  “Just Saying….”   

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