Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Little Things I’ve Noticed

   It appears most people don't want to be alone with their thoughts anymore otherwise why would they allow constant interruption of their thoughts by smart phones, iPod & electronics devices.  Let me add that I think these are great inventions which provide pleasure and entertainment but it's not a bad thing to just turn them off once in a while and let you brain wander.  In the past I used my iPod when riding my bike, cutting the grass or taking a walk but I haven't lately because I found it more relaxing to just take in the sounds and sights around me without electronic distractions.  Pushing the lawn mower is a boring mundane task so listening to music would help but I prefer to let my mind roam through random thoughts. The white noise from the lawn mower seems to help instead of being a distraction.

     Lately I have noticed more people that pull thru parking spots instead of backing up, is that because they don't know how to back up well?  Maybe instead it's the speeding cars driving down the lanes that won't stop to let you back out.  Sometimes cars pull through so they can easily pull out when leaving but occasionally they will end up going the wrong direction down the lane, which is irritating if you are driving down the lane in the right direction.

     It's interesting to me that some people that attend church park anywhere they want even despite designated parking spots which it makes it nearly impossible for some other car to get out of their parking spot.  That doesn't seem very courteous, kind or very church like.  I guess they came late or they have to leave early or maybe they just feel like they are special.  One other thing I've noticed in the church parking lot is the danger in walking to your car trying to avoid all the cars racing out of the parking lot, it's like they're saying I've fulfilled my obligation, now get the hell out of my way.

    Parents walking or driving their kids to the school bus pick up spot a block away.  I guess they are protecting their kids from danger, but in the evening the kids run all around the neighborhood playing with their friends.  So is it less dangerous in the evening?

    I cut the grass even though it's not my favorite job, but trimming the weeds is even less enjoyable.  Weeds grow wildly in odd places and get extremely long very quickly which make the lawn look unkept.  In my opinion eyebrow hairs, ear hairs and nose hairs seem like they take on the characteristics of weeds as you get older.  The growth of the hair on the top of my head has slowed dramatically and is barren is some places but these facial weeds I have seem to be in a youthful growth spurt.

    I see people walking in parking lots that seem to be oblivious of cars backing out of parking spaces.  The car can be 1/2 way out of the space but people still walk past without much concern that a 3000# vehicle is rolling toward them are they impervious to injury. Anyone that drives is aware of the limited visibility when backing out of a parking space, you head does not swivel 360 degrees.  I understand that the driver must be cautious but so should the walker.

     I have noticed a lot of crazy hairstyles on very young people some just little kids, now I assume if you are a young adult and choose a unique hairstyle (partially shaved) or color (bright multi colored) that you want to be noticed.  However, if you are a very young child it might be that your parents want you to be noticed. The thing is if someone ask about your hairstyle or color please don't seemed shocked or offended, after all you didn't dye your hair pink, green & purple to blend in to the crowd.  On occasion, I have been the person that asked but in a curious way.  I grew up in the 60's so I am familiar about youthful trends.  "Just Saying...."

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