Monday, March 23, 2015

Upbringing Trumps Biology

      I have often wondered how biology of your heritage affects your life.  Are there some behaviors that you can't control because of your biological roots?   My answer is that biology determines your looks, body structure and talents but beyond that your upbringing takes over.

     How a child is raised is more important than the biology of the parents.  In fact the true definition of a real parent should be person who raises a child shaping their life in a positive manner which many times waives your right to be the fun parent or friend to your child.

     The best family unit is two devoted/diligent parents (any make or model from the human race) but this is not always the case and I'm sure one devoted/diligent parent can make a difference.  I am referring to parents of the child not a grandparent because grandparents have earned the right to be the fun people in the child's life.

     I think much of the world problems stems from the lack of upbringing.  Being a good parent requires sacrifice but the results of that sacrifice bring joy.  Anyone can father a child or give birth to a child but that alone does not make you a parent.

     The answer seems obvious to me when reading the morning news or watching the nightly news that the trouble people of the world have not had a good upbringing.  They have had little or no positive reinforcement or guidance in their life growing up in a gangland type culture. It then becomes a cycle gangsters breeding gangsters.  I'm sorry if this seems harsh but I see it as today's reality.  The tragedy is that given the right upbringing some of these gangsters could actually become scholars.

     It's not an easy task being a real parent and it's harder for the financially strapped but your child's future depends on it.  "Just Saying...."


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